Business and Engineering help to ensure that technical problems are also solved from an economic point of view and that economic problems are solved taking technological constraints into account. The aim of the consecutive Bachelor's/Master's degree course is to train Business and Engineering who are able to think in interrelationships and bridge interfaces between technology and business. The Master's program prepares graduates to creatively adapt to new challenges in their professional lives. The degree qualifies students for academic work and gives them the formal authorization for a subsequent doctorate.
Job profile and labor market
The Master's degree program in Business and Engineering takes students to the cutting edge of current research and thus enables the rapid transfer of new knowledge into business practice. Clausthal University of Technology strives for a generalist education with a combination of a general understanding of technology and economics, which enables students to take up very demanding jobs in industry. The future-oriented Energy and Raw Materials Management course covers the entire energy supply value chain, from the extraction of energy resources to the marketing of various forms of energy. The more general Production and Processes course covers the general production management perspective of production processes. The materials technology field of study prepares students for work in branches of industry in which modern metallic, inorganic and organic materials are researched, developed and marketed.
Fields of activity:
- Raw materials and process engineering industry,
- energy industry,
- mechanical engineering,
- steel, plastics and building materials industries,
- automotive industry and, in particular, management consultancies.
What makes the degree program in Clausthal special
The Clausthal Master's degree course in Business and Engineering provides a broad education in engineering and economics based on subject areas - production processes, energy and raw materials or materials technologies - and does not aim to specialize in engineering sub-disciplines. This makes the course unique in Germany, and the success of Clausthal graduates shows that it fully meets the requirements of the job market. The course is also characterized by close supervision of students, high teaching quality and a high degree of internationality. Practical relevance is provided in particular by an 8-week pre-study internship and specialist internships in the specializations.
Structure of the study program
In the Master's degree course in Business and Engineering, students are introduced to current research areas in three fields of study: Production and Processes, Energy and Raw Materials Management and Materials Technologies. For each field of study, there is a special economics program tailored to the field of study, which can be sharpened by corresponding elective subjects with a wide range of elective options and a seminar. Engineering and economics content is combined through interface subjects such as project and resource management, material flow and logistics, electricity management or energy economics.
Production and Processes
Engineering subjects:
- Computer-integrated product development
- Computer-integrated production
- Factory and plant planning
- Material flow and logistics
Economics subjects
- Supply Chain Management
- Distribution logistics
- Market research
- Project and resource management
Energy and Raw Materials Management
Engineering subjects
- Deep and opencast mining
- Oil/natural gas production systems
- Fossil and renewable energy resources
- Electricity industry
Economics subjects
- Sustainability management
- Accounting for the energy industry
- Operational planning of energy systems
- Energy and environmental economics
Materials technologies
Engineering subjects
- Materials Science
- Introduction to organic chemistry
- Materials Engineering
- Thermochemistry of materials
Economics subjects
- International and Strategic Management
- Market Research
- Industrial economics
- Foreign trade

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zimmermann
Phone: +49 5323 72-7640
Fax: +49 5323 72-7699
Institute of Economics
Julius-Albert-Straße 2
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Energy and Raw Materials Management
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Hardebusch
Phone: +49 5323 72-3178
Fax: +49 5323 72-2371
Institute of Mining
Erzstraße 20
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Field of study Production and Processes
Dr.-Ing. Michael Wächter
Phone: +49 5323 72-2134
Institute for Mechanical Plant Engineering and Structural Durability
Leibnizstraße 32
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Field of study Materials Technologies
Dr. Leif Steuernagel
Phone: +49 5323 72-2947
Fax: +49 5323 72-2324
Institute of Polymer Materials and Plastics Technology
Agricolastraße 6
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zimmermann
Phone: +49 5323 72-7640
Fax: +49 5323 72-7699
Institute of Economics
Julius-Albert-Straße 2
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Typ: Master-Studiengang
Dauer: 4 Semester
Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch
Abschluss: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Studienbeginn: Empfohlen wird das Wintersemester, möglich ist auch das Sommersemester
Akkreditierung: Bescheid Akkreditierungsrat, Urkunde EURO-ACE
akkreditiert bis 30.09.2028
Beginning of studies
Welcome Weeks (vor Vorlesungsbeginn)
Die TU Clausthal unterstützt den Einstieg ins Studium mit verschiedenen Veranstaltungsformaten.
Mathematik-Vorkurs (vor Vorlesungsbeginn)
Das Institut für Mathematik bietet für alle Erstsemester einen Mathematik-Vorkurs an.
Voraussetzung für den Zugang zum Master-Studiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen ist in der Regel ein Bachelor-Abschluss im Studiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen oder einem fachlich eng verwandten Studiengang. Die Entscheidung, ob ein vorangegangenes Studium fachlich geeignet ist, trifft der Zugangsprüfungsausschuss, der Art und Umfang der entsprechenden fachlichen Anforderungen in den Zugangs- und Zulassungsbestimmungen festlegt.